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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Perbandingan Jenis Pelaburan serta Pro dan Con

Tentu ramai yang tak jelas dan nak tahu perbandingan..
Jadi mari bandingkan jenis pelaburankebaikan dan keburukannya
Jenis Pelaburan: Simpanan Biasa (1% – 2% pulangan)
Penerangan: Kumpulan wang yg berikan kadar faedah yg kecil secara tahunan atau bulanan
Mudah diambil (kecairan tinggi),
Hampir tiada risiko.
Keburukan: Pulangan tak dapat saingi inflasi (inflasi semasa + – 5%),
Kuasa membeli akan gagalkan wawasan simpanan,
simpanan cepat susut kerana kecairan tinggi.
Jenis Pelaburan: Simpanan Tetap (Fixed Deposit) (2% – 3% pulangan)
 Pulangan yg menjamin pulangan tetap pada tempoh tertentu (tempoh matang)
Pulangan terjamin,
Hampir tiada risiko.
Pulangan tak dapat saingi inflasi,
Tiada pulangan jika dikeluarkan sebelum tempoh matang,
Tak sesuai untuk penambahan simpanan (top-up).

Jenis Pelaburan: Pasaran Saham (1% – 300%)
Penerangan: Pelaburan dalam saham-saham syarikat di bursa saham
Pulangan yang tinggi dan lumayan dalam jangka masa pendek
Risiko sangat tinggi,
Pelabur berisiko berakhir dengan hutang,
Perlu pengetahuan teknikal serta masa yang betul,
Bayaran brokerage remisier yang tinggi dsb
Jenis Pelaburan: Waran, Debentur dan yg sewaktu dengannya
 Pelaburan melibatkan sejenis pinjaman terjamin yg mempunyai aset syarikat sebagai cagaran
Risiko lebih rendah berbanding saham,
Prestasi meningkat selaras dgn prestasi syarikat.
Tidak mudah cair,
tidak mudah diniagakan dalam pasaran saham,
Faedah yg tetap,
Perlu ditunaikan ketika sebelum waktu matang tak kira untung atau rugi.
Jenis Pelaburan: Hartanah (10% ke atas)
 pelaburan dalam hartanah spt rumah, tanah, kondomium, projek perumahan, konsep beli pada harga mentah atau murah kemudian jual bila harga tinggi
Rumah adalah keperluan asas dan tanah adalah aset tetap,
Ada 2 jenis pulangan iautu sewa dan jual terus.
Perlu modal mula yang tinggi,
Harga sukar pulih jika pasaran merudum dan lokasi kurang sesuai.
Kecairan rendah (mungkin ambil masa hingga bertahun-tahun) bagi selesaikan 1 urus niaga. Tidak mudah alih.
Jenis PelaburanAmanah Saham (Unit Trust) (10% ke atas)
Penerangan: Pelaburan yang mengumpul modal daripada pelabur individu dan korporat dengan kepakaran pasukan pengurus dana (cth; CIMB wealth advisors, Public Mutual) dan dengan pemantauan pemegang amanah (trustee)
Risiko diagihkan (diversify) supaya terkawal,
Kecairan tinggi,
Diuruskan oleh professional,
Modal permulaan yang rendah.
Tertakluk kepada risiko yang telah dibincangkan dalam post yang lepas.
Pilihan ramai tentulah dengan melabur dengan Amanah Saham (Unit Trust) dan lebih lebih lagi dari Unit Trust Public Mutual, kerana adalah Syarikat Unit Amanah Saham No. 1 di Malaysia

Want more info on unit trust and how it can help you? Call me at 012-3215787 (Fawwaz @ Ruhi) or mail me at or

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

What is the difference of equity, shares, stocks, bond and money market?

When reading financial books,  You will come across terms below and most people have problem to differentiate them. What are the differences:-
1. equity, share and stock
2. bond and money market

Equity = the ownership interest of shareholders in a corporation
Share = any of the equal portions into which the capital stock of a corporation is divided and ownership of which is evidenced by a stock certificate; “he bought 100 shares of IBM at the market price”
Stock = the capital raised by a corporation through the issue of shares entitling holders to an ownership interest (equity); “he owns a controlling share of the company’s stock”
In very simple terms:
Let’s say Mr. Razi Misran started a business with his wife registered as Razis Sdn. Bhd.
He and his wife Azlina own the company’s shares.
When the company is listed as a public company to raise more capital, the capital raised is called “stock”. The stock certificates are issued to other investors who pay to own shares of the stock.
As Razi’s family and other investors own the shares of the company’s stock, they own the equity. Equity is the ownership of the share of a business; shares are units of the equity or stock. You can say that equity is more general than stock.
When the business remains Razis Sdn. Bhd., Mr. Razi and his wife own the shares of equity of the company, but not the stock (because the company hasn’t gone public listed).
When Razis Sdn. Bhd becomes RAZIS BHD. (already listed at Bursa Malaysia), they all own the shares of the stock of the public corporation. Stock is also the equity.
In fact, you don’t really need to be annoyed by these jargons. All you need to know is
invest in stock = invest in share = invest in equity
Bond and Money Market
Bond = a certificate of debt (usually interest-bearing or discounted) that is issued by a government or corporation in order to raise money; the issuer is required to pay a fixed sum annually until maturity and then a fixed sum to repay the principal.
Money Market = the market for short-term debt securities, such as commercial paper, certificates of deposit and Treasury bills, with a maturity of one year or less. Typically, these are safe, highly liquid investments.
Well, the main difference is that for bond, the term is longer (e.g. 3, 5, 10, 20 years etc)
For money market, the term is very short (less than a year).
Money market has the lowest investment risk. The return is also relatively low, even lower than Fixed Deposit.

 Post By Sifu: Mohd Maizan Md Nor

Want more info on unit trust and how it can help you? Call me at 012-3215787 (Fawwaz @ Ruhi) or mail me at or